Add ability to pull in Constituent merge fields (like first name, email address) in the Communication Preferences Forms

It would be great if we could pull in Constituent Merge Fields into the Communication Preferences Forms. Too often, someone (even staff) will forward an email, and either that individual or another person it is forwarded to will click on the opt-out/email preferences link in the email and opt-out. The issue: the opt-out is associated with the initial recipient, but there's no way via the form for the person opting out to know whose record the opt-out is tied to. Ideally, we could provide text on the communication preferences form like "We are sorry to see you go, [Preferred First Name]." OR "The email address you are opting out from is [Email Address]. If this is not you, click here."

  • Kristi Kolpanen
  • Oct 27 2022
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
BBIS / Email
  • Attach files