Change placement of send button on email campaigns.

It's really frustrating to have to refer back to a manual because of poor or inconsistent naming conventions and arrangement of elements on pages. For example in the campaigns section, when I schedule an email for a date, why is the send button higher on the page than the text fields? Does this mean that everything below the button is ignored? 

  • Guest
  • Nov 22 2017
  • Will not implement
BBIS / Email
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Samantha McGuin commented
    November 27, 2017 14:17

    Thank you for this request. BBIS has added new features and functionality over many years. As new features and functionality are built,they are built using new technology and and design patterns. The downfall of this is it can cause the UI to be different in different parts of the application, especially in areas that are completely different in purpose such as Email Campaigns.

    All new functionality is reviewed by UX experts; however, we do not have planned work to go back through the entirety of the application to ensure consistency across everything. I am changing this entry to be focused on usability for email campaigns to allow additional voting on it.