Improvements to Edit and Write-Off Pledges forms

Oxford would like to suggest that, when using the "edit a pledge" and "add a write off" forms, the Post Status field is automatically populated with the value that currently exists on the pledge. For example, if a pledge as a status of "Do No Post", this will be automatically populated in the "edit a pledge field". Currently, both forms set post status to "Not Posted", even if it is set to "Do Not Post" on the original pledge record. If a user fails to edit this value (we imagine they are likely to think the pledge will stay the same, unless they actually edit a field) the pledge will be saved with an incorrect post status. This has several knock on effects and has implications on further edits and adjustments, and more importantly reporting, and running the Post to GL processes. Incorrect post status will lead to incorrect data being transferred to University finance systems, causing problems on multiple systems.
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  • Jun 29 2015
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