New idea
Cannot view Revenue Documentation Note Notes
Users without Edit permission on Revenue documentation notes need to be able to read the complete Notes. Currently, without edit permission, they can only read the first few lines.
Jun 29 2015
Blackbaud CRM
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Related ideas
Research Request - Allow user to view entire research note (without clicking edit)
show all attachments and notes in the Documentation and Interactions links at the top - rather than just attachments and notes attached to the constituent, i.e. Show Revenue, bequest documentation at the top of the record in addition to Gift Aid and RG commitment
When adding Documentation, default to current user as Author
Allow users to import Revenue Adjustments
Add a Note Tab to the Constituent Window within an Enhanced Revenue Batch
Make creating a notification on a note easier
Add the Note field to the Documentation section of the Constituent Membership Program Page
Allow for entry of more than one transaction note at a time during batch entry (Enhanced Revenue Batch)
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Users need the ability to specify Revenue Category when adding planned gifts as revenue