Allow the Gift Aid sponsorship and Constituent declines Gift Aid check boxes to be used for gifts held against organisations and groups

As part of our challenge event processing we regularly use the Gift Aid sponsorship and constituent declines Gift Aid check boxes to show what gifts can be Gift Aided without reference to the constituent's own Gift Aid status. This works well for individual constituents.

We have set up a number of events against organisations and community groups as this reflects reality and allows us to record sponsorship amounts against one record rather than many. Unfortunately, where the constituent is an organisation or group the Gift Aid check boxes are no longer active. It would be great if they could be active for all constituent types so that we can be flexible with our event setup but still get to use the Gift Aid sponsorship check boxes to process income.

  • Adam Kendall
  • Jan 28 2016
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) The National Deaf Children's Society
Reported Version 3.0
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