Allow Smart Fields to be pulled into Research Lists like Constituent Attributes

Currently we are not able to pull information about our organization (like giving) into Research Lists, only information related to the constituent's activity/giving with other organizations. We would like to be able to include Smart Fields in Research Lists since those often define giving and other information related to our organization.

In Research Lists we have the ability to add in Constituent Attributes with the setting on the attribute of "Available in Lists". Rather than redefining our Smart Fields as Constituent Attributes we would like to request the Smart Fields are also "Available in Lists".

  • Amanda Brown
  • Jun 28 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) The Nature Conservancy
Reported Version 4.0
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    • Carrie Ginnane commented
      May 04, 2020 19:44

      Research lists would be so much more helpful if they included more information about the constituents that is known to the organization. Particularly the info from their prospect tab and giving history to the organization (not just gifts to other organizations).

      Bridging the gap between the external screening results AND the personalized info stored in the database about the constituents' specific engagement with the organization is important insight to have in one place.