Include Lookup ID in ALL views of constituent

The existing idea that was implemented in 4.0 missed the mark. When I click on a specific plan in the Prospect section or a gift in the Revenue section, and look in the detailed view, the constituent header disappears and the lookup ID disappears with it. I want to see it in ALL views.

Currently, I need to click out of the detail view to get the lookup ID, which I usually need to copy/ paste if referencing that information, for example in an email.

  • Carrie Ginnane
  • Sep 6 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) The Nature Conservancy
Reported Version 4.0
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    • Tina Iozzo commented
      December 20, 2019 19:05

      When you are looking at a household and the members, if you click on the chevron on a HH member to display additional information the Lookup ID as well as other relevant information is shown.  The same type of information, especially the Lookup ID should be displayed when you are looking at relationships and a related consituent.  This is especially helpful when there are related subsidiaries with the same name but could be in different locations, and therefore different Lookup IDs.