Occasionally we are notified that an individual is deceased long after the deceased date so we base our deceased report on our deceased notification date. Currently we store this as an attribute. Ideally this would be a date field available on the "Mark Deceased" window.
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) | University of Nebraska Foundation |
Reported Version | 4.0 |
Alicia, that must be a customization. At University of Nebraska Foundation, we are on service pack 29 and our Mark Individual Deceased form only has three fields: Deceased date, Confirmation and Source. We do not have an Edit Deceased Date form as you show.
I'm seeing this in our version of CRM (4.0.181 Service Pack 23) unless this was an internal customization that I'm not knowledgeable about. If not, shouldn't this item be updated?
We would still find this very helpful. Right now we have to add it as an attribute.
University of Nebraska Foundation.
This field would be really helpful. I would vote yes for this field.
Tracey Fischer