Default the type and use codes per designation on the opportunity record to those on the purpose/designation record.

Why: Currently when selecting a designation on an Opportunity, the user is asked to input Type and Use Codes. The Type and Use Codes would be very good data on the Opportunity, but it is burdensome to ask the user to remember or look up the Type and Use Code for every designation in the system. This results in poor data or an un-needed time commitment on the part of the user. If the Type and Use Code would auto populate based on the purpose/designation record itself, the user would be served better and the resulting data would be more accurate.

How to do this: Simply link the Opportunity designation table  to the purpose/designation table and allow the values to auto-populate when a designation is chosen on the Opportunity.

  • Doward Hudlow
  • Feb 10 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) Rice University
Reported Version 4.0
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