extend the Grant/Foundations/Funding module same as for Prospect module

The Grants and Foundations module should be able to do the following consistent with other areas of BBCRM:

  1. be able to add a contact report and be supported by the Outlook integration
  2. pending funding request steps should show on the MyFundraiser Pending Activity tab
  3. funding requests should show on the MyFundraiser Prospects and Plans data list same as for majore giving and stewardship plans
  4. funding request steps should allow canceled and declined steps and show on the corresponding major Giving Management page tab
  5. and reports as well as Opportunities.
  6. be able to make funding plans historical
  7. when a grant is awarded the Donor constituency should be added/updated
  8. be able to add revenue/grant awards via batch
  9. grant deadlines date formats should be configurable to also show in non US-date format
  • Guest
  • Mar 29 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) Deakin University
Reported Version 4.0
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    • Teresa Pershing commented
      January 23, 2019 19:57

      Agree that congruent functionality between these modules is necessary

    • S Park commented
      January 23, 2019 03:14

      Interest remains for this idea, particularly (1) ability to add a contact report and (4) allow canceled and declined steps.