Add functionality to the Tokenizer to enable updates to existing recurring gifts and pledges with new credit card token

My organization would like to suggest a new feature to be added to the Tokenizer utility, enabling updates to existing recurring gifts and pledges with new credit card tokens that are created. At present, using out of box functionality, there isn’t an automated way/process of using the tokenizer to create tokens and then updating the existing recurring gifts to use those tokens without manually entering the card information again. In other words, whether or not you use the credit card tokenizer, you will need to enter the credit card information on the recurring gift records anyway and doing so creates a credit card token in the CREDITCARD table, limiting the scope/use of the Tokenizer.

  • Guest
  • Sep 15 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) Save the Children Federation, Inc.
Reported Version 4.0
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