Information Library - Improve ability to delete ad hoc queries

The ability to delete queries in bulk is needed frequently - for example, to remove sets of queries unique to users no longer with the organization, duplicate sets of the same query created by different users, sets of experimental queries never used for business purposes, and old queries no longer in use.

Query deletion is problematic for several reasons:

1. The ability to select multiple queries (i.e. by clicking the check box next to each individual query) and then hit a single "Delete selected" button is missing.  PLEASE CONSIDER ADDING THIS "DELETE SELECTED" BUTTON.

2. Deleting a "Trash" folder of accumulated unwanted queries does not work because even Admins are restricted to deleting folders having only their own queries.  PLEASE CONSIDER ALLOWING ADMINS TO MASS DELETE ALL ITEMS WITHIN A DESIGNATED "TRASH" FOLDER, REGARDLESS OF OWNERSHIP.

3. When a query is used in another context (selection, export definition) it cannot be deleted.  This is understandable, but Blackbaud provides no mechanism for seeing clearly where the query is being used. Ability to see this would streamline decisions to either keep queries or pursue removing them by editing where they are being used.  PLEASE CONSIDER ADDING A "WHERE USED" SECTION (WITH LINKS TO EACH USE CASE) WITHIN THE INFORMATION WINDOW FOR EACH QUERY. 


  • Guest
  • May 9 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY
Reported Version 4.0
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