New idea
Custom Code Value in Drop Down
Our custom codes are not an option in drop downs in Query. Instead you must type in the code, which is probelmatic because of mistakes in spelling etc.
Jun 29 2015
Blackbaud CRM
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Related ideas
change the solicit code filter back to a drop down in query
Allow inactive status codes on global change codetable dropdowns
provide consistency for drop down fields throughout CRM
Add keyword search to Solicit codes, Educational Involvement and Constituent Attribute drop-downs.
allow users the choice to remove inactive code table values as report drop-down values
Add custom sort to column heading sort in results lists
BBECRM: Solicit codes not as useful as could be as designed
Make the record type dropdown a type ahead field for instance when creating a new ad-hoc query
We would like to see the dropdown list of marketing source codes switched back to value order
The proposal name should be a drop down menu and not a free form text field to reduce errors in entering proposal names. This would be helpful in query when the criteria is "proposal name equals".