Allow text to be copied from the output of a Data List

For example, we have a Data List which displays various fields for some supporters, including the ID, name and contact details.  We would like our users to be able to copy the ID, name, phone number or email address into another application.

We can copy text from other parts of BBCRM, e.g., the name and Lookup ID from the top of the Constituent Page, or various other headings and data items such as the 'Recent and upcoming activities' from the Summary tab.  Why can't we copy from a Data List?

It'd be nice if we could just click and drag to select as in other parts of the system, or right click to copy.

  • David Wanless
  • Jan 28 2020
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) The Wilderness Society Ltd (Australia)
Reported Version 4.0
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