I couldn't find anything in the KB on how to do this. Here is the SQL we created to identify users running a specific report - ran against our DMS database server:
USE ReportServer
SELECT el2.ReportPath
,c.DISPLAYNAME , count(*) as Total
FROM ExecutionLog2 el2
JOIN dms.dbo.APPUSER c on SUBSTRING(CAST(el2.Parameters as VARCHAR(MAX)), CHARINDEX('CURRENTAPPUSERID=',CAST(el2.Parameters as VARCHAR(MAX)))+17, 36) = cast(c.id as NVARCHAR(36))
WHERE el2.ReportPath LIKE '%Constituent Profile Report'
group by el2.ReportPath, CAST(TimeStart as DATE), c.DISPLAYNAME
order by DATERAN DESC, Total
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) | ALSAC / ST JUDE |
Reported Version | 4.0 |
This is some great information, Laura, thank-you! I've sent you an email asking if you could repost this in our Discussion Forum so that we can distinguish between Product improvements and helpful hints and tips. Thanks for your contribution to the Blackbaud Community!