Generate Report Subscription failures notifications and Report Usage Metrics

We have several data-driven report subscriptions setup to run daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. We are a hosted client and as it stands, we do not have access to report server data. So, we are heavily dependent on Blackbaud support staff to provide us information on any report subscription failures.

It would be great to have an automated process built to send us an email notification when a subscription fails. We currently have no insight on failures until the report recipient notifies us of missing report. So, having something built that would send us a notification of failure along with reason for failure would be beneficial to hosted clients. If an email is not doable then having some functionality (like a crm report) built with CRM that would allow us to generate a Failure report would be great. Having this would reduce our dependency on support staff for minor fixes (like incorrect email address and/or null values being supplied) within our data-driven code.

In addition, it would be great to have some sort of output (maybe a report) to be generated on demand that provides the client on Reports Usage Metrics. Things like when was the report last ran, who ran it, how long does the report take to generate, etc. It would certainly help us be proactive in taking action at long running reports and will also help in maintenance (inactivating unused reports) of the reports.

  • Satya Atluri
  • Jan 25 2022
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) Wake Forest University
Reported Version 4.0
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