We would like to prevent having the hard credit donor's recognition from disappearing when using unapplied matching gift as the application.

The hard credit donor's recognition credits are being removed when using unapplied matching gift as the application. It would appear this issue does not occur for straight donations.

Current documentation on how this works: Recognition credits on the original gift are used to determine what recognition credits are applied on the Matching Gift. On an Unapplied Matching Gift the original gift that is being matched is not yet known so the system is unable to determine these credits. The solution is to add these recognition credits manually selecting them as appropriate.

The preference would be for hard credit recognition credits on Unapplied Matching Gift transactions to NOT be removed. Any additional non-hard credit recognition credits could be manually added.

  • Guest
  • Apr 25 2023
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) Habitat for Humanity International, Inc.
Reported Version 4.0
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