Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit CRM-I-2222 Allow Import of solicit codes.

Add solicit codes to the Update Constituent Batch template Merged

We would like solicit code fields & mailing preferences to be added to the Constituent Update batch. Currently they are only available on a Constituent Batch but it would be really handy if they were available on the Constituent Update batch as otherwise you have to go in an update them individually.
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  • Jun 29 2015
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  • Trit Mulligan commented
    July 28, 2016 12:03

    We are targeting a early adopter release in Q1 2017.  Stay tuned to upcoming roadmap calls to learn more.

  • Anbu Dhan commented
    July 28, 2016 08:44

    Trit- quick question. do you have time frame for SC to be part of update batch? will this be in service pack or in version 5 ? thanks

  • Anbu Dhan commented
    July 28, 2016 08:42

    Same for us, we have been waiting for this news for a very long time. At the moment it brings huge gap between the CRM in the in-house process, we had to create batch and then manually add the SC which brings lot of frowns.

    We look forward to implement the solution. Thanks

  • Trit Mulligan commented
    July 27, 2016 19:33

    The solicit codes are planned to be added to the Constituent Update batch template as part of the Bulk Import work.  We do not have a time frame for Mailing Preferences.  I am going to create a new idea to split these two so we can continue to get feedback on mailing preferences.

  • Stephanie Boyce commented
    July 27, 2016 18:40

    This would be a big benefit for us. This would allow a group in another office on campus load all of their updates into 1 batch and then allow our team to then go in and review and approve. 

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