Removing a spouse end dates the realtionship but doesn't change the relationship type of spouse

When removing a spouse you are asked for the date and to change spouse to ex-spouse, however, once you do that you still have to go into relationship and change spouse to ex-spouse there. If changing the date puts and end date on the relationship then changing the relationship type from spouse to ex-spouse should also appear on the relationship tab and not be an extra step. That makes no sense.
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  • Jun 29 2015
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    • Lucy Jones commented
      August 29, 2016 23:34

      You're welcome Trit. :-)

    • Trit Mulligan commented
      August 29, 2016 16:19

      Thanks Lucy for the feedback on the documentation.  We will get that updated to make it clearer.


      Trit Mulligan


    • Lucy Jones commented
      August 29, 2016 04:58

      Personally I thought it was weird that the user guide suggests you change the relationship type to "ex" as well as adding an end date. Surely if you are adding an end date then you are ending the current spousal relationship. If you also change the type to "ex" then you will have end dated an "ex" type relationship, which makes no sense.

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