Ability to Control Constituent Name on Screens and Reports
We have many people on our database that do not go by First name, Middle Initial, Last name. Many people use nicknames, middle names, etc. At UIF, we record the name a person wishes to be called in a BBEC Name Format. However, the BBEC Name Format is not the name that BBEC displays at the top of the screen, nor the name it uses in standard reports. The name BBEC displays at the top of the screen and on standard reports is “First name, Middle Initial, Last name.”
The example below shows a person who goes by “Marie Powell, D.D.S.” but BBEC displays her name as “Jane M. Powell” (First name, Middle Initial, Last name). This causes problems because someone may address the person incorrectly, or may not recognize the constituent because the name at the top of the screen and on BBEC Standard reports is not the name the person goes by. We would like Blackbaud to provide settings to choose the name to be displayed at the top of the screen and on reports. Choices could be: 1) Use First name, Middle Initial, Last name (as BBEC currently does) 2) Use a selected Name Format Type. At UIF, we would choose Name format type = “Default assembly”. We would like the choice to populate the contents of the name field currently displayed at the top of the screen and used in reports and in Ad Hoc Query.
The fact that we cannot control the format of the Name field is extremely frustrating for our entire division. Please provide a way for us to determine how this appears so that we don't have to change every single standard report, data list, and other feature that uses this field.