Provide Clients with An Out-of-the-box Registration UPDATE Batch for Post-Event Registration Status Updating When Importing from A CSV
Currently, there is no existing out-of-the-box Registration Update Batch for clients to use when post-event registration status updates need to be imported from a CSV. With no mobile event check-in tool currently available from Blackbaud, clients currently have to use 3rd party mobile event check-in tools at their events if they need mobile event check-in functionality. Those tools export post-event registration data in a CSV file. With no available Registration Update Batch, that data has to then be manually keyed into CRM. A client-designed custom Registration Update Batch requires a large amount of effort via SDK and isn't a feasible or efficient use of time. An out-of-the-box Registration Update Batch would be a very handy thing for Blackbaud to provide.