Link BBIS/BBCRM User without having to Create, Delete and Recreate user

Currently the process for merging a BBIS User with a CRM user is inexplicably  complicated and unnecessary.  To remind everyone of the current steps, they are listed below:


  1. Create BBIS User
  2. Delete BBIS User
  3. Find/Edit newly deleted BBIS User
  4. When editing user, click "undelete and generate a sign-up transaction"
  5. BBIS User is now re-created and info is sent to batch for confirmation


I get using batch to confirm and link the user accounts, but why do I need to create, then find and undelete the user. There should be a "Link to CRM user" option

  • Michael Kracke
  • Aug 19 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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