Extension to ADF - Support Revenue Attributes of Note/Memo (long string)

The Advanced Donation Form does not currently support revenue attributes of type "Memo" aka long strings.  Please add support for this type of revenue attribute.

  • Rick Root
  • May 18 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Rick Root commented
    May 19, 2017 14:25

    Sure.  Additional form data I would be collecting that is not supported by the Rest API.  Right now I have to create attributes for all of these things.  I would probably just put the data into one attribute as  xml content (even though it's not an xml field).


    For example, we don't use the tribute functionality because our gift services team doesn't want tributes created automatically.  In our current online giving platform, all of the tribute information goes into a long text field in a custom batch extension table.  As of this moment, I have attribute fields for all of those pieces, but I'd rather not do it that way.

    Also, we use the Revenue Note in this case to allow the donors to "Tell a story" about why they're making the gift, and we don't want a bunch of other crap going into that note field (the standard tribute acknowledgee stuff appends information to the revenue note)

  • Admin
    Samantha McGuin commented
    May 19, 2017 14:13

    Hi Rick,

    Thanks for this idea!  Can you give me some examples of what types of data you'll be collecting using a memo attribute type?

