Create a way to "Hold" a Sponsorship and/or Sponsorship Recurring Gift.

A Sponsorship Recurring Gift does not allow the Status to be edited at all. This seems fair, as the Sponsorship Recurring Gift should be controlled from the Sponsorship. You can edit the Status of a Recurring Gift to be “Held”. This is great, as it is common for a Supporter to call and request a month or two of missed payments and Held is great for both stopping the payments from being taken, and for reporting purposes. However, we cannot perform any similar “Hold” on a Sponsorship or a Sponsorship Recurring Gift. You can only Cancel it. This means that the user has no way to temporarily hold a Sponsorship Recurring Gift in the same way as a standard Recurring Gift. The only way that we can see for them to achieve even close to this would be to set the Next Transaction Date to a date in the future. This would achieve a defined period of “hold”, but it would not offer an easy way for the client to report on all Held Recurring Gifts. They may be able to use an Attribute to track these, but that would add an extra step to the process as well as rely on the user to remember to do this as part of the “hold” process. We need a way to "Hold" a Sponsorship and/or Sponsorship Recurring Gift.
  • Guest
  • Jun 29 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Guest commented
      July 17, 2017 14:06

      I just want to draw attention to the fact that this problem only affects 'Sponosorship' customers so to draw 44 votes is alot!

    • +37