Make the Deposit Screens More User Friendly
The deposit screens aren't very user-friendly and a bit difficult to navigate compared to other screens in the system.
Some relatively simple modifications that could improve usability:
* Make Bank Account a drop down instead of a search field or have a configuration option to make it defaultable.
* Default the deposit and post dates to the current date
* Add a "Update Projected Totals" command like in Batch Entry
* Add additional options in the link screen (especially Revenue Lookup ID)
* Default the date to Today in the link screen and apply that filter when opening
* Add a "Go To Revenue" option for the payments in the data list
* Add some basic Windows confirmation dialogs for the Save / Cancel buttons - if you close the Window but have payments linked, ask "Are you sure?", or if you click Save but don't have any payments linked because you applied a filter but forgot to click the link button.