connect social accounts to constituent records

Please allow for connectivity for LinkedIn, Facebook, and other social accounts. Salesforce have apps, which connect these and allow icons to show in the constituent record. The end result is a photo in the record and a direct linkage to their social accounts. Because so much is captured in LinkedIn, which is often times more up to date than any record out there, this is significant.

  • Stephen Mally
  • Mar 6 2016
  • Shipped
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) Bush Heritage Australia
Reported Version 4.0
  • Attach files
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    • Trit Mulligan commented
      March 23, 2016 01:22

      This is available with Social Media Finder released in version 4.0.

    • Chris Whisenhunt commented
      March 17, 2016 16:59

      I am currently working on an integration piece between Gigya and BBIS. This will allow users to register and login using any of the social media services that Gigya provides. As of now I have it working and pushing the social media account info to the constituent's record. 

      Is this what you are wondering about?