Add the ability to query Adjustment Batch Number from a Revenue query, under Revenue > Adjustment

We need the ability to pull the adjustment batch number in the same query - a revenue query - that we can pull information about the adjusted revenue transactions themselves. In a revenue query, under the revenue > attachment section, please add a value for the adjustment batch number. Currently if you go to Revenue > Batch Number on an adjusted transaction, the query only pulls up the batch number of the original pledge or payment. The only place that we can pull adjustment batch numbers is in a query of type 'batch', which gives you information about the adjustment batches, but not on the transactions that those batches contain.

  • Jon Herz-Midler
  • Dec 30 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
Reported Version 3.0
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