allow adjustments to the posted revenue transaction of a planned gift

Need to change wrong gift fund, unable to do so

  • Guest
  • Sep 11 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) Museum of Science and Industry Chicago
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    • Cheryl Watson commented
      November 28, 2023 21:10

      Only allowing the update on the PG or PG Addition record using the success services team customization which doesn't allow the actual revenue record to be adjusted and updated to Not posted so it can record the adjustment and be part of the post process to update the General Ledger is not the correct solution for Mayo Clinic. We have required separation of duties by our internal and external auditors and our gift processing associates never add/edit Planned Gifts/Additions in CRM - they only add PG payments.

    • Daniel Napolitano commented
      November 03, 2023 22:13

      This should be core functionality in CRM. Though the success services team has a customization, that customization is lacking. It only allows for the adjustment of several fields and adds the adjustment feature to the planned gift edit form (not the revenue record edit form). That means that to adopt the customization, access to edit planned gift records would need to be restricted to revenue entry specialists for proper controls and it also is a confusing user experience that edits to a planned gift can actually trigger a revenue adjustment.

    • Sue Morin commented
      October 20, 2023 17:30

      To maintain the integrity of processing this would be beneficial. Having to remove and re add goes against our internal auditing guidelines.

    • Ben Bryson commented
      August 14, 2023 16:25

      I fully understand the "rigidity" and gravity of Planned Gifts that have in revenue and posted to the GL, especially over time (which is common for PGs). BUT...mistakes happen and having to delete the already posted PG to GL, and then notifying finance people WITHOUT adjustment seems antiquated.

    • Courtney Sims commented
      July 06, 2023 17:33

      This is becoming a more frequent issue for Bucknell as well.

    • Admin
      Pat Conley commented
      November 28, 2022 22:24

      Cheryl, thank you for your comment. This remains on our radar but our focus is on some other high vote items for now. If you would like to consider another option, our Success Services team has a customization for this.

    • Cheryl Watson commented
      November 23, 2022 17:43

      Mayo Clinic is in need of the ability to adjust posted Planned Gifts as our internal and external audit teams do not allow us to delete revenue records in CRM. When will this be reviewed and approved for functionality in an upcoming upgrade? Thank you.

    • Gibbs Gibson commented
      December 23, 2020 19:31

      Please allow adjustments to posted planned gifts. Requiring that we delete them to make edits as non-material as making sure they have an appeal associated with them basically ensures that GL posting discrepancies will occur.

    • Patricia Zink commented
      August 05, 2020 14:34

      Please allow adjustments to planned gifts that are posted.

    • Guest commented
      September 11, 2017 16:04

      Please enable adjustments to posted revenue of a planned gift -- not allowing cleanup of fund as intended.