This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit CRM-I-2030 Educational institutions are added as partial organization records which causes problems in other areas of the application such as relationships.
Another option would be to allow configuration of the search screen. Educational Institutions are used in the Educational catalog (for adding educational information to constituents). The Educational Institutions do not seem to show up in any other constituent/organizational search. They do show up in the Add Organization Relationship search. The only way I could find to get to these constituent records is by adding a relationship with the Educational Organization and then clicking to their record from the Relationship screen. The problem is that if we want to know which grads we have at Yale, those with relationships to Educational Institution record won’t show up when we’re looking act Education Institution organization record.
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) | University of Iowa Center for Advancement |
Reported Version | 4.0 |
We reported this same issue back in 2015. It is Idea CRM-I-2030. Could these ideas be combined?
We feel this is a really poor design to allow institutions (which are not full organization records) to show in an organization search. Especially since they only show up in the Organization search within the add relationship area. (And also the event registration area according to the other idea). They do not show in the Organization search from the main Constituent area.
This is also a security concern as it surfaces these institutions as organizations. Users who are able to delete orgs (but not institutions) could delete the org and there is no prompt that the institution is also being removed.