Add the "Copy household address" or "Copy household's primary contact information" option to the Add constituent to household form

If an individual is added to a household from the household record, the Add a household member form has the option to copy household's primary contact information to the new household member. However, when adding an individual constituent to a household from the individual constituent record, there isn't an option to copy the household's address or primary contact information to the individual constituent. My organization would like to have this functionality added through one or both of the suggested features below:


1) Enhance the Add constituent to group or household form available on an individual constituent record by adding the Copy household's primary contact information checkbox

2) Have the household's address copied automatically to new household member added from the individual constituent record if the household's address is set to "Copy address to household members".

  • Guest
  • Jul 12 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) Habitat for Humanity International, Inc.
Reported Version 4.0
  • Attach files
  • Stephanie Boyce commented
    September 11, 2019 15:37

    It's truthfully just crazy that this requested function does not already exist! We would really benefit from it.