Cannot search for Finder Number on frontend

In processing a revenue batch, we have hundreds of records with a Constituent Id is required error. We are looking for a way to find what marketing effort is associated with the finder numbers in the import exceptions. Where/how can we find this? How/where can I query BBCRM to find the Marketing effort associated with these finder numbers?

  • Guest
  • Apr 13 2020
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) The Salvation Army - Southern Territory
Reported Version 4.0
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    • Phil Higgs commented
      May 19, 2020 05:23

      Hi Salvos. For the Finder Numbers to find the Constituent the Marketing Effort has to be activated. It's worth checking! An error we have created is where we've run the ME and exported data for External provider and the ME was then refreshed before Activation, so new finder numbers were created. reading the exported FN's into a batch coould then not find the constituent. Can email me directly at