Check for duplicates when entering finder number.
We process a large volume of acquisition mail. When we enter the finder number into batch for a gift from a new donor, BBEC does not check for an existing account in the database before creating the new record. This means that staff need to check for the record through search before they enter each finder number into batch. The lack of duplicate check functionality in batch is a major hinderance to our data entry work.
In addition, we're somehow unable to make use of the finder number functionality for in-house names that are pulled as part of an acquisition mailing (example: one segment of donors in an acquisition mailing would be existing donors who haven't given in 40 mos). The result is that even though the donor is IN the database, the finder number creates a new record for them. This results in our having to work around the finder number functionality, entering the source code appeal code etc. by hand.
This was implemented as part of the Version 4 initial release in 2014.
I notice this has been updated to 'shipped'. Which Service Pack can this change be found in?