Update Default Gender Codes

Currently the only out of box Gender Codes available are 'Male', 'Female', 'Other', and 'Unknown'. This does not adequately cover the responses our donors will have when provided with this question, and should be updated to meet more modern standards.

The only current workaround is to add an Attribute Category for 'Other Gender' and an Attribute Form Extension on the Individual Add/Edit form. There are two small caveats to this;

  1. the former being that this won't automatically populate if the gender is being pulled via an ad-hoc query or export definition, and the attribute will need to be targeted instead

  2. The value does not surface on the constituent record, out of easy access when compared to the OOB Gender values

  • Dan Stemke
  • Dec 15 2020
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    Daisy Alarcon commented
    March 07, 2024 15:32

    Hello everyone, this idea was delivered in Service Pack 36. Please check out the What's New to learn more about the new Gender code table field, including a sneak peak into phase 2 areas to be delivered in a future service pack.

  • Holly Peterson commented
    November 17, 2023 14:48

    Hi all, I want to comment that this is still a really important issue (see also the merged idea noted above). We need to ensure we are able to address our consituents as they wish to be addressed, including their gender, title and pronouns, all of which could exist in any combination. Thanks!

  • Admin
    Daisy Alarcon commented
    May 08, 2023 21:36

    Hello everyone! We are going to be conducting customer preview calls in late May, starting around May 17th through the end of the month. We are looking for a few more participants to be included. If you would like to participate in a session (no more than 30 minutes), then please send me an email at daisy.alarcon@blackbaud.com with your availability. Thank you!

  • Admin
    Daisy Alarcon commented
    December 02, 2022 15:05

    Hello Joe, we don't have copy of the prototype to share, but I can share with you that after our research and discussions with customers we will implement this as a new code table field in place of the existing Gender field. All of the functionality that you are now familiar with in other code table fields would be available with the new Gender code table field.

  • Joe O'Neill commented
    December 01, 2022 19:04

    Hello! Is there any way to get a copy of the prototype? Thank you!

  • Admin
    Daisy Alarcon commented
    October 27, 2022 20:31

    Hello! We have a quick update to share: we have completed prototyping sessions with customers, as well as the technical research with our engineering teams. We have an estimate of effort that we are looking to plan for execution in 2023. We will continue to keep you all posted on this idea item as we reach our next milestones of progress. Thank you!

  • Admin
    Daisy Alarcon commented
    September 06, 2022 20:55

    Hello everyone! We are kicking off our prototyping sessions and scheduling now starting September 12th through September 23rd. If you would like to participate in a session (no more than 30 minutes), then please send me or Pat Conley an email at daisy.alarcon@blackbaud.com / pat.conley@blackbaud.com with your availability and we will schedule a meeting with you to view the prototypes and provide us with some quick, direct feedback. Thank you!

  • Admin
    Daisy Alarcon commented
    August 11, 2022 20:41

    Hello everyone, Daisy here from the Blackbaud Product team. We have some great news to share: we have officially wrapped up discovery! Thank you to everyone who participated. We will now kick off the prototyping and technical feasibility phase of this work. In the meantime, we still want to hear from you! Everyone is invited to please fill out this short 2 minute survey on how your organization uses Gender. Thank you in advance for your feedback.

  • Admin
    Pat Conley commented
    June 14, 2022 20:40

    Update: Discovery is kicking off in the next two weeks! We will be reaching out to set up discovery sessions to dive into your requirements in more detail.

  • Admin
    Pat Conley commented
    February 24, 2022 22:18

    Update: We plan to start discovery on this in late Q2.

  • Guest commented
    October 08, 2021 19:49

    Note: SickKids Foundation has produced a user story (as part of the Canada BBCRM User Group) which has been submitted to Blackbaud Product Management. Several organizations have reviewed the user story as well. Now it's over to Blackbaud Product Management to review this user story.

    I too would like to see this user story prioritized, especially given this idea now has 97 votes. We all collectively owe this to our donors.

  • Kathi Martin commented
    October 07, 2021 16:24

    Please count me in on the discovery. Please consider adding an options for capturing pronouns as part of this work as several have suggested. We would like pronouns to be able to be displayed prominently on the constituent records (ideally at the top of the screen next to their name).

  • Guest commented
    October 07, 2021 16:16

    @Gibbs Gibson: As far as handling only common Anglo names: you can add more defaults to handle any name you want. I work for a Jewish organization that commonly uses a lot of names that are not in the standard list, but we have added some to make our lives easier. Go to Constituents > First Names and you'll see a list of the defaults, where you can add or edit the default genders for first names. Of course, this does nothing about the problem that is at the heart of this idea, but it sounds like it might make your life easier.

  • Charla Chamberlain commented
    October 07, 2021 15:53

    Please prioritize this to be available by Jan 2022 or sooner. Year end appeals bring a new slate of donors that need this option. It makes all of us look antiquated and outdated. I think Salesforce has offered this since 2019. https://www.salesforce.org/blog/6-ways-to-put-equality-in-your-crm/

  • Kelli Crispin commented
    October 07, 2021 15:33

    Count me in on the discovery. I work at a higher ed where the focus would be to capture how the constituent would like to be addressed, but we are not a specifically LGBTQ+ org. I would recommend including folks from such orgs, as well as a varitey of other types of orgs, as we are all going to have different needs. Handling pronouns and titles, as well as the issues with assuming gender based on first name should also be discussed.

  • Admin
    Pat Conley commented
    October 07, 2021 15:23

    We are planning to start discovery on this item next year. The exact time frame is still uncertain, but we will be reaching out for participants once we get started.

  • Gibbs Gibson commented
    September 07, 2021 20:55

    Please do /something/ on this front or at least plan to address it. The current field is pretty flawed--not only are the options hardcoded in ways little else is in the database, but they populate automatically based on assumptions about only common Anglo names. It is not great in several dimensions.

  • Admin
    Pat Conley commented
    September 07, 2021 20:40

    Hi Kelli - we do indeed continue to monitor the idea bank! And we have particularly noticed the recent uptick in interest in this one. We are reviewing our 2022 plans but have not made any final decisions.

  • Kelli Crispin commented
    September 07, 2021 13:25

    Since someone recently asked about this in the forum, just popping back in to see if there is any movement, or if anyone ever looks at the ideal bank. This is LONG overdue. The attribute customization is not a solution. The Gender field should run on a code table, like most other fields do. Why exactly was it hard-coded to begin with? Keep up blackbaud!

  • Beatrice Pepin commented
    July 19, 2021 11:58

    Can we please implement this change ASAP so we can be more inclusive in our communications to our constituents? Can we also make it configurable so we can add as many options as needed?

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