Provide a way for users to know where a smart field is being used

There have been several times where smart fields have to be re-built because they either don't run or they pull in incorrect data. When this occurs, you cannot delete the defunct smart field... nor can you change the name to alert users. It would be helpful if an administrator could see WHERE a smart field was in use, rather than a simple error message that a smart field cannot be deleted because it is in use.
  • Guest
  • Jun 29 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Admin
      Pat Conley commented
      October 31, 2023 18:20

      Thank you Margaret, these have been merged.

    • Margaret Parviainen commented
      October 31, 2023 15:54

      This seems like a duplicate issue to CRM-I-3084 (Smart Field Dependencies Feature -- Similar to the ad hoc query dependencies feature, implement a feature for identifying smart field dependencies)

    • Guest commented
      March 30, 2016 16:01

      If you try to delete a smart field, it will give an error like "Can't delete because it is used in <query name>" So then one by one, you can modify those queries and remove the smart field.  Once no more queries use the field, it will delete.

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