Change "Major Giving Prospect" to just "Prospect" on the Constituency tab

Users in my office get annoyed that everyone who is flagged as a prospect is flagged as a Major Giving Prospect when they are not and you have to go into the plan to see if they are actually Annual Fund etc. Can we change this generic flag to just "Prospect" on constituent screen
  • Guest
  • Jun 29 2015
  • Will not implement
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    • Guest commented
      July 24, 2015 18:45

      The display name for the Major Giving Prospect Constituency (and all other constituencies) can be changed by an admin through Constituents>Configuration> Constituencies>Edit Display name. Hope that helps!

    • Guest commented
      July 22, 2015 16:37

      It would be helpful to have more control over this, the "Major Giving" is meaningless for us also because it does not align with the giving levels we use. 

    • +77