Issue searching for names featuring accents

There is a serious search issue, namely that unless a search term contains exactly the accent or non-standard character which appears in the constituent name as recorded, the record will not be retrieved. For example, searching for Esmee retrieves one record, searching for Esmée retrieves a different record, and so on. This inevitably means that constituent searches will retrieve an incomplete set of matches, and duplicate records may be created as a consequence.
  • Guest
  • Jun 29 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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  • Jennifer Borri commented
    October 12, 2022 23:01

    I would like to add that adding this feature is really a DE&I need. As we are more sensitive to recording our constituents names correctly with accents and other non-standard characters, CRM must evolve to let us find these records. Thank you!

  • Pradeep Nair commented
    February 11, 2016 18:11

    Fuzzy search tends to find these constituents, however, it also widens the search in a large manner, and pulls up a lot of 'fluff'.  Having standard diacritic/accent substitutions in the search logic would be a great thing!

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