2.93 Change in Membership expiration dates

Josh Grabia from customer support ask that I add this issue to the IdeaBank. We are testing 2.93, as you know the Membership area has changed a lot. Currently (in 2.9) we have the option of multiple expiration dates and a way to indicate after which month/day those dates should push to the next period. In 2.93 there is only one expiration date. Is there a way to get additional expiration dates? In 2.9 we have have expiration date set to Specific date. We have the Expiration date field set to 3/31, push to next period after 4/20, we also have expiration date 10/31, push to next period after 10/31.
  • Guest
  • Jun 29 2015
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • +3