My organization would like to have BBIS transactions be downloaded into different batches based on date. For example, donations that came in on 5/8/18 would be downloaded into the enhanced revenue batch for that day and donations given the next day would be put into a different batch. Currently, the only way to force donation transactions to be downloaded into a new batch is to commit the open donation transaction batch or to update the batch status.
To the guest who wrote this, we are using a queue + job schedule to deal with this (not the whole problem but part of it). We tell the system to continually download and push online donations/gifts from Pending transactions area into batches from 10am to 11:59pm, then at midnight that job stops. Gifts still go into the pending transactions area but are not pushed into a batch. That way our staff have until 10am to go in and take that other batch out of the continual download status.