Allow users to select fields to be included in profile update batch
The current Profile update batch template in CRM for BBIS transactions falls short of expectations. The Profile update batch template should receive the same treatment that the OLD donation batch template receives when it was upgraded to Enhanced revenue batch template (ERB). Currently the Profile batch template does not let admin users to select specific fields and this is causing problems when processing profile update forms through CRM. PD should consider releasing another Batch template that can be used for Profile form transaction and this batch template should allow administrators to select specific fields that will go on the batch template.
As Country is a required field in CRM, blank personal and business addresses pull through to the Profile Update Batch with just the defaulted country, which creates extra work for the processor of the batch to ensure this is not added to CRM. These should not be pulled into the batch.
Contact detail start dates and transaction dates added to CRM from profile update batches should be the date the user updated their profile, not the date the batch is committed.
Remove Educational History / Educational Involvement / Employment History / Organization Relationship / Spouse Tabs from BBIS Profile update batch template
Can Seasonal Start / End Dates be removed from BBIS Profile update batch template
Add Start Date to BBIS Profile update batch template for the new address / new email / new phone number / new organization process
Add Lookup ID and Created Date to BBIS Profile update batch template
We need the data chunked out by type and some of they data we just don't care about. E.g. phone data in it';s own batch, email data in it's own batch, education data in it's own batch, employer relationship data in its' own batch. This is for data verification. Not all data types are equal so holding up all data changes until we review every single detail is unwieldy.
Can voters on this issue provide more detail to this idea? What fields are not included in the existing batch template that you are looking for? Are you looking for the info to be in the batch rows as opposed to within the transaction details?
Samantha McGuin
Sr Product Manager