Download BBIS Giving Level Display Name into BBCRM Batch and/or Make Available for BBIS Notification Emails

When a donor makes a gift on a webpage, we cannot see the Display Name that was associated with their gift. Typically this is not an issue. However, there are instances where we change the Display Name of the amount to correspond with certain giving levels, and we would like to know which giving level a donor selected. The reason for this is that some giving levels may have the same amount, but technically be different in recognition. For example:

Giving levels may include recognition on a donor wall. In this example, that donor wall recognition is displayed using different items, and we used Display Name so the donor could select the item they want to have on the wall -

Display Name: One single silk rose; Amount: $100

Display Name: One Rosebush; Amount: $500

Display Name: One Tree; Amount: $1,000

If we use the shopping cart feature on the BBIS donation form, it allows a donor to select more than one option. The donor may then make a $1,000 gift that could be any combination of -

1 tree ($1,000)

1 rose bush and 5 roses ($500 and 5 x $100)

10 roses (10 x $100)

OR a straight $1,000 donation with no recognition

All of these variations would total $1,000, but we would have no way of knowing what the donor selected. If Display Name could be downloaded to the BBCRM batch and/or into the BBIS Notification email, we would know exactly which option or options the donor selected and added to their cart before checking out. It would be very useful for us!

  • Christina Wagner
  • Feb 18 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Chris Kastner commented
    July 19, 2022 23:59

    You can add a revenue attribute, hide it with JavaScript, and populate it with the associated text label from the ask amount that was selected.