Support gift with benefit (premium) online

BBIS should support gifts with benefits. This is a very common scenario in fundraising and is required in order to provide accurate receipts.


If the complexity of connecting to the BB CRM benefit catalog is a concern or obstacle, you could keep it simple and connect to a standard item in the catalog. We have an item named "Variable Amount" and then just pass the benefit dollar amount through to the batch in BB CRM.

  • Chris Ososki
  • Apr 19 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Chris Ososki commented
    April 17, 2024 15:21

    We really just need the benefit amount amount so the receipt amount can be calculated correctly. We have created an item in the benefit called "Variable amount" and just put the $ in there. This need to end up on the payment record in CRM because we then use that data to generate receipts, both the receipt amount and the required FMV IRS disclosure.

  • Admin
    Samantha McGuin commented
    April 30, 2018 15:01

    Thanks for the suggestion, Chris. Can you add more clarity on the level of support you're looking for? Are you just looking to provide an amount in an acknowledgement email that is altered based on the benefit? Is this just for donations or also for other gift types?

    Samantha McGuin
    Principal Product Manager