Enhanced Revenue Batch - Allow customer specific errors

We need a way to add our own specific business rules to the Enhanced Revenue batch entry. Currently, we have our business rules coded as 'errors' on our custom Gift Batch Proof list. However, we would much prefer to have our business rule violation 'errors' appear during gift entry. In our legacy product, there was a custom procedure that the customer could code to add their own errors to enforce their own specific business processes. This would help to cut down on our gift adjustments.
  • Guest
  • Jun 29 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Guest commented
      June 23, 2017 14:26

      Many customers have created edit reports to identify their business rules. It would be much more efficient if the business rule violations could be caught in batch entry. Currently, the gifts get entered incorrectly (business rules are not enforced). Then, staff run the edit report to identify the business rule violations. Then, they have to go back into the batch and make the changes. For large batches, this is an especially inefficient process. 

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