Clear/remove results from Recognition Programs
Give the ability to clear/remove results of a recognition Program on all records that have that recognition program. If was run there is no way to clear the results if the organization wanted to change or decided not to implement that program the criteria it stays on all the records that it touched and we have to remove them one by one.
I've been able to clear results of recognition easily by building a data list of the specific recognition instances that I can apply a global delete function to. Works like a charm and we use it often when cleaning up recognition programs.
The Standard Recognition program does not works for our institution for life time giving donors so our business user need the ability to load and deletes records using a batch process. This may be very helpful for many other institutions as give us the flexibility to use the "Recognition Program " functionality available even if we need to create more complex criteria for the recognition program using smart querie or additional queries .
Has anyone been able to find away around this issue?