New idea
Revenue Reference for Split Designation
When you split a gift into multiple designations it would be helpful if we could track a revenue reference on each SPLIT, We can currently document a revenue reference for the gift.
Jun 29 2015
Blackbaud CRM
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Related ideas
Allow split designations to be changed through a generate Revenue Update Batch
Allow users to split a gift but have multiple instances of the same designation
When adding Recognition to a Naming Opportunity via a revenue transaction with multiple designations, be able to see the associated designations, so you can choose the correct one.
Allow multiple revenue categories for a single pledge
list designation next to amount under recent revenue section of contituent page
make the process for adjusting designations on split gifts easier
Make it possible to link a split gift to an event participant.
Expand Default Designation Functionality from the Appeal -- allow for split designations & default into batch with revenue entry
Need designation on Matching Gift Tab
Ability to assign recognition for only specific designations and not for the entire gifts