add pledges\Total Paid to the revenue query view

In an ad-hoc revenue query in CRM, I would like to include the total amount paid on a pledge but I canƒ??t find such a field in the query designer. I can get the pledge amount and the balance amount but not the total amount paid.
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  • Nov 9 2015
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    • Admin
      Nicola Cameron commented
      August 06, 2020 09:19

      @Tiffany Bowser, unfortunately this is not currently available out of the box for Export Definitions. We do have an existing Idea for this functionality though, Please add your vote to CRM-I-2173.


    • Tiffany Bowser commented
      August 05, 2020 12:46

      @Nicola Cameron, are you familiar with a way to include this data point in an export definition?

    • Admin
      Nicola Cameron commented
      August 05, 2020 09:22

      This data can be retrieved in Query using the SUM aggregate option on the Pledge Payments\Amount field (or other Amount fields depending on filtering) or via the Pledge Status and Analysis report.

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