Show Who is Attending on Online Registration Form

In our prior alumni community, we could add a link that showed who had registered for an event. Our end users could click the link and see who is attending an event. The page would populate from the registration query for the event. It helps promote registrations if people can see who else has registered.

  • Christine Goodwin
  • Mar 24 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
BBIS / BBIS / Events
  • Attach files
  • Chris Kastner commented
    April 15, 2019 02:01

    It is possible to do this pretty easily using something like the Query Results Display part - whereby you can output query fields onto a page (and that gives you more control over exactly what output, and what record filtering you want to do).  It would require you set up a specific part for each event, and a CRM event registrant query for the given event - but once you've done it once it should be pretty easily replicated.

  • Christine Goodwin commented
    April 05, 2019 18:33

    We would like this list to show name and class year, and ideally industry for our networking events.

  • Christine Goodwin commented
    January 25, 2019 19:53

    Yes, we still want this. Its status is planned but we were told it was coming almost two years ago and so far it hasn't.

  • Guest commented
    May 24, 2016 19:52

    We also had this functionality. We replicated it in BBIS by creating an event registrant query and then using that to feed a directory part. Obviously requires setting up the extra query, part, and page, and then adding that link to the event description page (which is a record display part in our system). And that's for every event you want to display an attendee list for.