Add a dynamic Date Criteria to ad-hoc queries for Today

Occasionally, it is necessary to query on dates in the future. For example, when cleaning up data, users may find invalid data such as a constituent who has a birth date in the future. These constituents can be found quickly by creating an ad-hoc Constituent query, with the Birth Date criteria set to "on or after" the Fuzzy Date of today. However, this is not dynamic, so today's date will still be part of the query next month. In order to make a truly dynamic query, the available criteria must be nested as shown, using filters such as "Today (any year)", "Next month (any year)" and "Next Year"

The suggestion is to add a dynamic date criteria of "Today" that will use the current day's day, month, and year. If a Selection or Data List is created from a query where the date criteria is set to After "Today", it should only return future dates, regardless of when the query was created or updated.

  • Guest
  • Apr 14 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) Wake Forest University
Reported Version 4.0