Rolling date-range in query filtering

When filtering on dates in query, the drop-down menu gives us a number of date-range options e.g. last week, this month, next quarter - what however we don’t seem able to do is add a ‘rolling’ date-range into a dynamic query e.g. in the last 3 months (90 days), in the 12 months (365 days)? There are quite a few situations where this type of rolling date parameter is needed, rather than a fixed period. It would be really helpful for Oxford's work if this could be made available via the SDK.
  • Guest
  • Jun 29 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • David Wanless commented
      November 10, 2022 22:21

      Until this is provided as part of core product, feel free to use our Relative Dates Query Node, as per

      We couldn't live without it.

    • Admin
      Pat Conley commented
      November 10, 2022 13:15

      We agree. Setting this back to Voting Open.

    • Guest commented
      November 07, 2022 21:36

      Wow, I can't believe this has been sitting here this long! And I can't believe it's marked as "Shipped" when it's not part of standard Blackbaud CRM. Maybe it's in the Data Warehouse, but we don't use that. This would be incredibly useful to us in our Production database!

    • Jon Herz-Midler commented
      November 07, 2022 21:03

      The availability of rolling dates in queries would be extraordinarily helpful in the standard query tool - there are over 160 votes for this idea, but it is essentially inactive, because it is listed as shipped - however, it is NOT available unless you are using the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. I would urge you to re-open this request, but for the query tool so that everyone would have access to it.

    • Phil Higgs commented
      October 08, 2018 02:05

      Hi all.

      David Bourne at the Winderness Society in Tasmania has shared a rolling date query view directly off a Constituent Record.

      Please contact him at


    • Guest commented
      April 04, 2018 19:38

      Please make the rolling dates available in the standard query tool for OLTP tables similar to for BBDW.

    • Lucy Jones commented
      March 16, 2017 01:32

      Please make rolling dates available in the standard query tool. It's essential to many of our reporting needs and I don't think we should have to buy Data Warehouse for such a fundamentally useful feature.

    • David Wanless commented
      August 11, 2016 06:03

      Hi Trit,

      Thanks for that clarification.  The answer before implied that it was generally available. We don't have the data warehouse so this is not useful to us.  It's such a fundamentally useful feature that I'm really hoping BB will add it to normal query soon.  See



    • Trit Mulligan commented
      August 10, 2016 14:49

      Hi David,

      The rolling dates feature is only available for queries built off of the Blackbaud Data Warehouse.  If you have the data warehouse deployed, within query, look for Constituent (from the Blackbaud Data Warehouse) and Revenue (from the Blackbaud Data Warehouse) query views.



    • David Wanless commented
      August 05, 2016 06:45

      Hi Blackbaud, when you say that this is Shipped in 4.0, is that for the normal query engine (where we certainly can't find it) or the SDK (which we don't have).  Regards, David.

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