Need More Date Choices

We need additional ‘special date’ choices in Ad Hoc Query. We would like a way to define our own additional ‘special date’ choices. For example, we need Fiscal Year, Fiscal Year-1, Fiscal Year-2-5, Calendar Year-2 thru 10, First Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 4th Quarter, etc. These are just a few examples of the ‘special dates’ we need. Currently, every time I run a query for the next time period, I will have to manually change the specific dates that I've entered. I will have to manually change OVER 800 selections/segments to have the next time period’s dates for some of our mailings!
  • Guest
  • Jun 29 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Chris Jackson commented
      July 09, 2024 16:08

      This is still a great idea! Our organization has been hard coding Fiscal Year dates into queries, and maintaining the dates for queries that are labeled for this fiscal year or last fiscal year.
      Having this options would improve what queries we could distribute to users and streamline the maintenance of these queries.

    • Paul Boblitt commented
      December 10, 2020 15:19

      I have already upvoted, but thought I would add that in our organization we have 100's of queries that rely on fiscal year date ranges. At the flip of every fiscal year, my team and I manually update all of these queries. Having additional fiscal year-based relative date objects like the ones outlined in the OP would save us ~50 man hours every year.

    • Leslie Green commented
      September 22, 2020 14:58

      At a minimum, it would be really helpful to have the same fiscal year date choices available like we do for calendar year (Fiscal Year to date, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Year, etc.).

    • Guest commented
      September 15, 2015 18:46

      We would love to have the new relative dates available for queries over the transactional database. 

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