Allow sticky search on Revnue Constituent Search (by Lookup ID)

Currently sticky search functionality is working on the Constituent column in batches but when you use the Lookup ID as a mapped column for an import the default search filters always stay, even if you change them in batch.  Becuase "Check alternate ID's is defaulted as true in this search function it casues the following error when an alternate ID on a different constituent matches a lookup ID in the system:  Multiple results for field "Lookup ID" using search list "Revenue Constituent Search (by Lookup ID)" were found, so an exact record could not be determined. 'Constituent' is required."


If we could be able to uncheck that "alternate id" box in the search function and have it stick for our import batches it would stop these rows from excepting out on import.  I attached 2 screenshots to show how "Batch Revenue Constituent Search" keeps your search filters but Lookup ID search does not.

  • Justin Oblak
  • Apr 25 2018
Organization Name (Please enter full organization name) University of Michigan
Reported Version 4.0
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